There can only be so many sprite movies involving mario vs. bowser. And they have all been done. Seriously. Unless you're going to add something really new and exciting, which you did not, then forget it. We've all seen the exact same thing done with different music so many times it isn't funny. Seriously. It's not funny. It's not exciting to watch. It's just old. It's like watching another matrix spoof. No. Everything that could have been done has been done. And you aren't creative enough to make something new. You just copy everything that everyone else has done. Thats not good flash. Its good crap. That's what it is. I know you put work into it, but stop. Don't finish the series. Find a new idea. A new plot. Don't make it just another Mario.Vs Bowser. Add something creative and exciting and inpiring. Not just, oh they all died and in the end... no one cares what happens. Add something else! Another story. Be creative. I know you can do it. And... if you can't. Then don't even try. Because no one wants to see the exact same thing over again.